Thursday, March 12, 2009

Creating a Web Page

After attending yesterday's class, it makes this blog much easier to talk about. Before yesterday I really never got into the whole web page building thing. For one, I thought it would be too complicated to get into. Yesterday proved me wrong as we started creating our own homepage with the Class Homepage Builder. It was easier than I thought. It was a very user friendly process as well and inspired me on creating my own web page.

I am planning to create a Web Page for the high school Golf team that I coach. I will post various information including schedules and rosters. Each player will have posted their personal biography along with a photo. I will keep up to date stats after each match for every player so that they can see their progress as well as how they compare with other teammates. I am looking forward in building this site and so is the team!


  1. Adam,

    What a terrific idea!

    I am so happy to hear that you will be using this assignment for a real team. Your players and their families will have a place to go to see what is happening. Terrific!

    I cannot wait to see the finished product!

    Great seeing you last night!

  2. Very cool, Adam. A website is very useful and will help your team's communication amongst each other as well as supporters. It'll definitely help during the off-season to keep players up-to-date on what's going on, events, etc.

    Good luck with it! :)

  3. I too was surprised at how easy it seemed to build a web page! Instead of being some complicated process, it was really just a series of fill in the blanks and simple decisions. It's great you will be able to use it for your team as well as your class. What a perfect way to organize and share information with all who are interested.

  4. Adam- I agree, building a web page is much easier than I anticipated. Good Luck with yours!

  5. Adam I think the use of a Web page for your team is a great idea and gives them a sense of a "club house" for the team as well as an identity. Just be careful when publishing students pictures and personal information on the web, there are laws protecting the privacy of the students. Make sure you have all your bases cover and signed consent from their parents before you go ahead with it. But the idea is great
